Sunday, June 29, 2008

How Children Learn Manners

By Naomi Aldort

Our son Yonatan came home last Christmas from the theater and related an observation. On the way from the theater to the lobby he noticed that parents were instructing the children to ask the Santa Claus for candy with a "please", and after getting the treat say "thank you". Yonatan went to the lobby and was surprised and puzzled. He found that the children indeed said "please" and "thank you", but that their parents came along and took their own treats, saying nothing.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Pemain Bola Muslim Di Eropah

EURO 2008 sudah hampir kepada penghujungnya. Bulan ini memang membuatkan mata saya merah, bersengkang mata pada awal pagi semata-mata untuk menyaksikan siaran langsung EURO 2008. Sebenarnya saya bukanlah seorang yang prihatin atau mengambil tahu sangat tentang pemain-pemain bola, kehidupan mereka dan seumpamanya, melainkan tentang berita kelab-kelab dan urusan jual beli pemain. Namun semasa saya melayari internet beberapa hari lepas,saya peroleh satu fakta yang mengejutkan tetapi menarik untuk dikongsi bersama.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Your Antivirus is Good Enough?

You installed an antivirus, commercial or not, and you would like to know is he well configured, that he is active and that you are well protected. It is not recommended playing with fire and visiting dangerous websites to check can your antivirus detect any kind of virus. You would indeed be likely to expose your computer at the very important risk which can go until the compromising of your computer and the loss of data.

Prayer in Islam

  • No pictures, no idols, no symbols, then what do Muslims pray to?
  • No holy water, no peacock feathers, then how are Muslims blessed?
  • No chairs in mosques, then where do Muslims sit when they pray?
  • They don’t speak in Arabic here, then why do Muslims pray in Arabic?
  • A big prayer hall, but why are only a few Muslims praying here?

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Who is Allah?

  • Is Allah the god of Muslims?
  • Why are there no pictures or statues of Allah?
  • Allah is referred to as “Him”. Is He human-like?
  • Are there other names of Allah?
  • Does He have a son?
  • Does Allah have other gods to help Him?
  • Does Allah need a rest day?
  • Is Allah the god of Jesus?
  • If Allah is Compassionate, why is there so much suffering?
  • If Allah is Merciful, then does He forgive all our sins?
© Q-riuz (2008 – 2013)

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"Curiosity Only Leads To One Thing...Knowledge"