Monday, May 02, 2011

A Father and A Car

One fine day
the Father is washing their brand new car.
suddenly, his 4 year old son pick up a stone
and scratch the side of the car.
the furious father grab the child's hand and repeatedly hit it.
Without realizing he's hitting it hard with a wrench...

At the hospital
the child's hand was severely injured
his 4 fingers had to be cut
the pity father looking at his crying son

the son ask his father:
"DAD, when will my fingers grow back?"

the father cried, he went to his new car and repeatedly kick it
then he sat beside the car facing the scratch made by his son
and there he saw the scratch

and the scratch read: " I LOVE YOU DADDY..."
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1 comment:

  1. emailed you regarding ths ( )


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