Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Ong Ong... Gedek Gedek~

Frogs are amphibians in the order Anura (meaning "tail-less", from Greek an-, without + oura, tail), formerly referred to as Salientia  (Latin salere (salio), "to jump"). Most frogs are characterized by long hind legs, a short body, webbed digits (fingers or toes), protruding eyes and the absence of a tail. Frogs are widely known as exceptional jumpers, and many of the anatomical characteristics of frogs, particularly their long, powerful legs, are adaptations to improve jumping performance.
Due to their permeable skin, frogs are often semi-aquatic or inhabit humid areas, but move easily on land. They typically lay their eggs in puddles, ponds or lakes, and their larvae, called tadpoles, have gills  and develop in water. Adult frogs follow a carnivorous  diet, mostly of arthropods, annelids  and gastropods. Frogs are most noticeable by their call, which can be widely heard during the night or day, mainly in their mating season.

The distribution of frogs ranges from tropic to subarctic  regions, but most species are found in tropical rainforests. Consisting of more than 5,000 species described, they are among the most diverse groups of vertebrates. However, populations of certain frog species are declining significantly.

A distinction is often made between frogs and toads on the basis of their appearance, caused by the convergent adaptation among so-called toads to dry environments; however, this distinction has no taxonomic basis. The only family exclusively given the common name "toad" is Bufonidae, but many species from other families are also called "toads," and the species within the toad genus Atelopus are referred to as "harlequin frogs".

The name frog derives from Old English frogga, (compare Old Norse frauki, German Frosch, older Dutch spelling kikvorsch), cognate with Sanskrit plava (frog), probably deriving from Proto-Indo-European praw = "to jump".

My Top Five Frogs Species

5. Leptobrachium abbotti (Lowland Litter Frog)
     Hardness to find: Easy (lowland litter area)

4. Staurois natator (Black-spotted Rock Frog)
     Hardness to find: Easy (near riverbank)

3. Megophrys nasuta (Bornean Horned Frog)
     Hardness to find: Hard (leaf litter area)

2. Rhacophorus pardalis (Harlequin Tree Frog)
     Hardness to find: Medium (tree)

1. Rhacophorus reinwardtii (Reinwardt's Flying Frog)
     Hardness to find: Hard (tall tree)

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  1. aiyo~~ yg ke 2 tu comel~~ katak~~ tiada ka yg macam keroppi? hehehe... ^_^

  2. salam. secara jujurnya aku (sekeluarga) geli dengan katak a.k.a. ong gedek gedek ni. myb pasal hewan ni seju2 kot...haha

  3. FiFFy, keroppi tada di Sabah ni bah...haha...ameen, hoho, ya, mungkin menggelikan bagi sesetengah orang. aku pun geli jugak sebenarnya, tapi terpaksa meminatkan diri jugak sebab tesis aku pasal katak. List top 5 ni saje je wat nak bagitau antara tangkapan terbaik yg aku peroleh. (katak reinwardt tu susah giler nak jumpa tapi dapat gak tangkap seekor (daripada 290 ekor). ~_~

  4. oooo... sygnya, keroppi la paling cute.. ^,^ frog yg ada horn tu kan, tajam ka horn dia?? pelik ni. tidak pernah jumpa pun.. yg warna merah tu pun sama jugak.. mcm mo tngk plak.... err.. kan ada spesies yg selalu masuk rumah/di tepi2 longkang tu, tu kamu tangkap jugak ka?? @_@ (curious hehehe..)

  5. Nasuta tu, 'tanduk' dia nampak je tajam, tapi tak pun, macam pegang bucu kertas je. Bentuk macam tu sebagai protection (nampak ganas di mata haiwan lain). We didn't catch urban frogs, we catch forest frogs only. ~_~


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